Water Medication

The core products in our water medication portfolio come under our SoluStab® range.

SoluStab® is a premium range of lactose free water-soluble products with a unique formula providing optimal balance between solubility and stability.

The successful use of water medication is not only impacted by the use of high quality products such as those in the SoluStab® range. It is also determined by conditions. A good and stable infrastructure, adequate maintenance of the drinking water system and the quality of the drinking water are all key factors.  In addition,  using the right dose is crucial which is why  Dechra has created the SoluStab® Calculator (calculator.solustab.eu) to help you determine the correct amount of product to use.

Want to learn more about water medication? 

Our SoluStab webpage (http://www.solustab.eu/) provides all the support you require for effective water medication treatment.

